Thursday, May 6, 2010

ahh i see i see around 8 months? I came here in july but i gottah leave next time -.-;;;; it was nice while it last~ since you dont think you seen enough, where else in korea do you wanna go? & damn. thats intense bout your search for your friend~

  • I still haven't been to Busan or Jeju. There's still a lot of Seoul left to be explored.

and i ran out of room to write lol. but yeahh i hope you find her soon~ do you plan on staying in korea for a while? and where in seoul are you if thats where you are?

  • Before we go any further, I have to tell you that the story about me finding a friend is fake. I made it up because people kept asking me why I came to Korea and I decided to continue it because I thought it was funny.
  • I'm planning on staying in Korea for a little bit longer. I currently live in Incheon but I'm planning on moving to Seoul in September. I haven't really decided how long I'll be there though.

What are your thoughts on David Thorne?

  • I could do that shit.

Ask away.

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