Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I own a lot of backpacks. I probably own more backpacks than some girls do purses. Shit, I even own my own purse (that's a whole different story). Last week I saw a Korean dude with this funky ass bag that was pretty sick but didn't manage to ask him where he got it. A few days later I was standing on the subway and saw another backpack that I wanted and was able to catch the brand. Turns out that both bags were from the Korean brand, T-Level. If you want to check out their catalog you should head over to their site. It's a well made site that's pretty interactive with videos and all that and you can check out their entire catalog.

The one that I want is the Master Waist Bag in black. It can be worn over the shoulder or as a fanny pack. It's pretty sick.

The other bag I want, the Challenger 32L, is probably more practical, but it's more expensive. The straps on the front of the bag make it able so you can carry a full bike wheel or a skateboard.

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