Sunday, March 7, 2010

Work's in full swing now.

Now that it's the second week into the semester, it really feels like school has started again. I'm currently getting used to my new co-teachers. It looks like I'll be having three of them this semester. Two of them I haven't really had a problem with, but the other one I don't really understand what she wants from me. She wanted me to make a game for the first lesson, so I did. She checks it and then tells me that the game is too good for the first lesson, so she wants me to make another one. So I come up with another one, a variation on Hot Potato, and then she tells me that she doesn't like it because the game has losers. So I modified the game with her supervision, so basically my kids are just passing around a ball without any real objective. Looks like I'll have to see how the class goes, it probably won't be as bad as I think it's going to be.

In other news, my pants snagged onto something while I was walking to lunch so it ripped about a three inch hole under the zipper of my pants. Luckily, I wasn't wounded on whatever my pants snagged on, which could have been really bad. I sat through the whole lunch and I don't think anyone noticed. I ended up telling my old co-teacher that I was going to run home and change, who laughed at me hysterically.

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